Saturday, July 31, 2010

2010 NBA Free Agency: July 29th-July 31st.

Well, its almost August 1st, a month that for me (besides also including my Birthday, August 18th) marks the end of summer. Stores change their summer clothes out for their fall clothes, classes begin once again and even the weather starts to shift. However, with the NBA season not starting till October (and you better believe I'm counting down to even pre-season), it would seem as though the land of free agency would still be as busy as ever, teams trying to scoop up the remaining "big shots" and players trying to make sure their careers are still going in a direction in which they desire. Over the past couple of days though, this has not been the case, as things are slower than slow. Only a handful of deals have been completed, without releasing almost any detail on them at that, and even fewer rumors have been circulating.

At this point in time, these are the remaining free agents:
Admundson, Louis
Alexander, Joe
Allen, Malik
Alston, Rafer
Atkins, Chucky
Barea, Jose
Barron, Earl
Bender, Jonathan
Bogans, Keith
Boone, Josh
Boykins, Earl
Brezec, Primoz
Brown, Bobby
Brown, Devin
Brown, Kwame
Brown, Shannon
Bynum, Will
Cardinal, Brian
Carney, Rodney
Chalmers, Mario
Collins, Jarron
Collins, Mardy
Crittenton, Javaris
Diawara, Yakhouba
Diener, Travis
Diogu, Ike
Elson, Francisco
Evans, Maurice
Fesenko, Kyrylo
Finley, Michael
Foyle, Adonal
George, Devean
Giddens, J.R.
Graham, Stephen
Gray, Aaron
Green, Willie
Hasbrouck, Kenny
Hassell, Trenton
Hayes, Jarvis
Hughes, Larry
Humphries, Kris
Hunter, Chris
Hunter, Steven
Iverson, Allen
Jackson, Cedric
Jawai, Nathan
Johnson, Anthony
Law, Acie
Mahinmi, Ian
Marks, Sean
Martin, Cartier
Martin, Kenyon
Mason, Roger
May, Sean
Mbenga, DJ
McGrady, Tracy
McGuire, Dominic
Mills, Patrick
Mohammed, Nazr
Morris, Randolph
Morrison, Adam
Murray, Flip
Nesterovic, Rasho
Novak, Steve
O'Bryant, Patrick
O'Neal, Shaquille
Oberto, Fabricio
Ollie, Kevin
Pavlovic , Sasha
Pecherov, Oleksiy
Przybilla, Joel
Quinn, Chris
Radmanovic, Vladimir
Randolph, Shavlik
Redd, Michael
Rodriguez, Sergio
Ross, Quinton
Scalabrine, Brian
Shakur, Mustafa
Simmons, Bobby
Singleton, James
Skinnner, Brian
Smith, Joe
Songaila, Darius
Stackhouse, Jerry
Stevenson, DeShawn
Stojakovic, Peja
Telfair, Sebastian
Thomas, Etan
Thomas, Tim
Tinsley, Jamaal
Tolliver, Anthony
Udoka, Ime
Watson, Earl
West, Mario
Wilcox, Chris
Wilkins, Damien
Williams, Jason
Williams, Jawad
Williams, Marcus
Wright, Antoine

*Disclaimer...due to many deals flying under the radar and a few of them not "officially" being done, this list may not be 100% up to date.*

Honestly, though of course I care where everyone ends up, as like I've said before, even the lowest key of players, or the oldest, can add skill and knowledge to a team, I am most curious about Shaq, AI, T-Mac, Larry Hughes and Shannon Brown. And hopefully, within the next couple of weeks, if not days, the answer to at least some of those players will be made clear.

Not to forget about the few deals that have been made lately though, heres whats been happening:
-Eddie House signs with the Miami Heat on a 2 year, $2.8 million contract.
-Josh Howard returns to the Washington Wizards for at least one more year, on what could be as big as a $4 million contract (though official details are not yet known).
-Rasual Butler resigns with the Los Angeles Clippers but for how many years and for how much money is still up in the air.
-Cleveland Cavaliers sign Joey Graham (but yet again, no details on the contract have been released).

As far as I know, thats all the news. But as usual, if anything else comes up, I'll let you know. Have a great weekend everyone :)

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