Wednesday, August 4, 2010

2010 NBA Free Agency: August 1st-August 4th.

My first instinct was to dive into a full blown apology for not posting in so long, complete with a promise that I will never again take such a break between posts, but then I realized...did I really miss anything? Has anything exciting really happened over the past few days?

The answer to that is no. Over the past four days or so I've heard exactly one big rumor, and came across a handful of small moves, leaving the league at a stand still once again. Whether this means that most teams are done making any changes to their roster, or the remaining free agents are making things difficult, I'm not sure, but I for one would like to see more action (if for no other reason than the fact that I miss basketball and news of signings and trades were the only thing keeping me going without games).

Heres what you missed (or rather, didn't):
-Sources say that Shaq and the Boston Celtics are very close to reaching an agreement which would send Shaq over to the green city for what is believed to be 2 years (this would mean that the Celtics would have two O'Neals as big men. Start the jokes now...)
-Minnesota Timberwolves waive Delonte West (one of my followers on Twitter called this the second after news broke that he was being sent there, nicely done).
-Detroit Pistons resign Ben Wallace.
-Orlando Magic resign Jason Williams.

Yup. Thats all folks. As I said, though you may have missed me and my writing (I'm too modest, I know), you certainly didn't get behind on any free agency news...

Update: Shaq is officially a Celtic.

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